A Message for Natal Mars in Aquarius, Sun in Libra, Mercury in Virgo

You have been through very uncertain times for some time now. You haven’t felt the most confident with certain decisions because you have felt like you don’t have all the information that you need in order to make an informed choice. But I see you coming out of this in this reading.

You have been learning to trust your intuition and gut instincts more, recently. This is new for you, feeling left with so little clarity and having to move with trust. In the past you may have heavily relied on others to tell you all that you needed to know in order to feel genuine connection or trust for a situation. But with humans being flawed and mysterious, you understand that this is something you are trying to expect less of.

It’s not that you don’t want to trust people or let the right ones in. It’s just that you have experienced “deception” and complicated situations that in the end bred mistrust. But this is something that you are intuitively being called to persevere over.

There is an emotional situation in your life where you may feel as if you lack clarity. And you may be apprehensive to know that the answers to your questions already lie within you, waiting for you to uncover a new layer of vulnerability from within.

This has been a slow moving situation that you have been keeping a hopeful eye out for positive results. This is absolutely possible for you, despite if things seem hazy or unclear.

In connection to the Throat Chakra card, the 9 of Wands right next to the 7 of Swords tells me that you will overcome your overthinking in order to express something weighing semi-heavy on your energy. This doesn’t feel as if it is something that is bothering you present day, but you are wanting to be heard and wanting a different perspective of the situation.

Spirit wants you to know that your goal is to trust where you are being guided at this time, even if you feel as if you are making no movement at all. These things are unknown to you for a reason.

If surrendering to the process feels difficult for you your Throat Chakra oracle may be able to help. Spirit offers you the benefits of aromatherapy in order to tap into self. Ethically sourced scents like Frankincense, Sage, Peppermint or Eucalyptus can be used in order to open your Throat Chakra and aid you in the expression of your desires and needs.

Remember that a productive conversation includes sincere communication, listening to hear and not to respond and true intentions of understanding the other.

- Warmly MTC ⭐️


Message for Moon in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Pisces


Knowing Your Worth & Showing Up for It: Full Moon in Sagittarius Reading 6/14/2022