Pick A Card: A Message for A Difficult Time In Your Life 🤍

Hello everyone and welcome to another Pick A Card reading with Monty’s Tarot Child. I want to start off by saying that I am so sorry that you are going through or are coming out of this difficult time. As a human, sometimes the immediate response to difficulty is “I hope that you find a speedy resolution to your suffering or inconvenience”. I want to offer a different wish for you during this time though, “I hope that you garner as much knowledge about yourself and your spiritual connection to god as you can, through this experience”. I hope that this wish, and this reading, stimulates you into denying defeat. I hope that it makes you feel strong. Many blessings to you and your loved ones 💕.

This reading was written for the purpose of spiritual uplifting. If you have any medical or financial concerns or concerns around your safety, please consult a professional advisor directly.

Pile 1

You have a lot of youthful and expressive energy trying to emanate from within you at this time. But the weight of responsibilities and burdens have suppressed your ability to express what is within you. I can see that you need this release. You want to be able to, even if just for a moment, look at the world with an innocent perspective and take in the more wondrous aspects of the Universe. I can also see that you have dealt with this for some time and it has created a lot of uncertainty for you creatively.

You having a desire to be playful, curious and free flowing has been so suppressed that it has transformed over time into an emotional wound. There are internal layers  that exist within you that are more sensitive to the lack of your wants and desires being fulfilled right now. But this is okay because it was always a part of your soul plan. This difficult time in your life may very well be showing you that it is okay to embrace your past, knowing that it has made you the person that you are today. You don’t “lack creativity” because of who you are. You have just forgotten how to access your creative abilities because of what you have been through.

I can see that you were willing to accept your “lack of creativity” as fate in this lifetime until you caught wind of your destiny. It has been a difficult revelation for some of you but I can see you embracing a lifestyle of gratitude for being able to rediscover a lost part of yourself. In order to hold onto this newfound discovery, mental clarity is essential. You cannot make choices with an unclear mind. It is even harder to focus on and listen to the guidance that is being given to you by your Spirit Guides throughout the day when your mind is unsettled.

As you are moving closer and closer towards mental clarity and the ability to think clearly, portals will open up for you. Opportunities. The opportunity to expand your curiosity, to follow a light of understanding and ultimate curiosity, will find you. It will feel as if you are being rewarded for following the guidance that you were trusting intuitively. And as you accept this reward and decide how you want to show up creatively, new foundations will be erected. The ideal foundations in order for your dreams to come true.

Your inner child is trying to reach you now. They need you to boldly say yes to something that is calling to you. The curiosity that is seeping from within is innocent. But you may still be facing some deep rooted fears around exploration and branching out from certain comfort zones. Say thank you to those fears for their intentions of protection. This can help ensure that you remember that the past unfolded exactly as it needed to in order for you to reach this awareness. I feel as if you miss being free. There’s no need to judge yourself during this time of revelation because you didn’t take any wrong turns.

For some of you, eating tangerines or citrusy fruits will help you to channel the vibrant and youthful energy from within, encouraging you to go after your dreams.

Pile 2

You are coming out of a time of feeling lost right now. This has been extremely difficult, navigating the unknown without so much as a guiding light. And now, there is a glimpse of hope coming over the horizon for you. A new path. It was meant for you to experience those feelings of being lost in order to help build up your courage. This is because your confidence in self and your power is meant to bring you closer towards your destiny. You know that you have a purpose and you know that it is meant to be centered around the things that you love.

For some of you I can literally hear, “if I hadn’t done that one thing that scared me I would never be here”. You are channeling in a lot of determination in order to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. But I do want to point out that the cycle of life always has one tunnel after another. And each journey between the cycles in our life holds it’s own wisdom to be gained. And somewhere within you, whether conscious or subconscious, I know that you know this too.

Once you step onto this new path you will be encouraged to become even more independent and self-reliant. Not to the detriment of yourself though, where you are unable or are too prideful to ask for someone’s help. You are tapping into your personal power in order to shed any doubts around the power of the Universe and the role that you are meant to play in this lifetime. In your heart, you know what is good for you and what will make you excited to be alive day after day. And this time in your life, believe it or not, is preparing you for that. The realization of this is bringing you peace.

Some of you may be utilizing the tool of radical affirmations to help you regain energetic sovereignty. You are realizing that you may have absorbed a lot of energy that does not belong to you while you were wandering, trying to find your way. There is energy within you that does not belong and I believe that you are in your extraction process. But before you can “get to the work” you must realize what it is that’s in need of your attention. With the ‘Subconscious’ card coming out in your reading, the energy suggests that you ask yourself what is going on beneath the surface. You may be moving through life on autopilot and not even realize it.

This is an opportunity to truly take care of yourself. To pay attention to yourself and ask yourself some hard questions. But do it gently. Be as kind and understanding as possible. You are still learning how to be patient with the Universe. You are still learning how to walk with the confidence of the cosmos in every step. This requires patience. Overtime, without you noticing, you will be able to feel your confidence. It will feel like strength, assuredness and compassion for all the things you use to believe in but don’t anymore.

This is a time in your life where restoration is taking place. Any compulsive or impulsive behaviors may be addressed. If anger or frustration is an energy that comes up for you, try to channel these emotions through healthy outlets. We can become so exasperated with life that we can become resentful towards Spirit and life as a whole. Look at where these emotions stem from and ask yourself “do I really believe this or am I re-enacting someone else’s dream?” You will reclaim your power by taking moments to do this.  Your empathic abilities are a tool to guide you closer to Spirit and isn’t meant to be weaponized against self.

Remember that you have access to your courage, power and confidence without the need to undermine anyone else’s. Take care of yourself and be proud of the progress that you’ve made so far because you’ve already come so far.

Pile 3

I can see that you are being reignited, after a long time, with inspiration. You have spent a good amount of time living in your head. There is something that has already transpired that is holding you captive mentally. And during this difficult time in your life your Spirit Guides are requesting that you release the suffering. Sometimes we validate our pain by living in it, on repeat, with no respite from what we have gone through. And I am writing this message in hopes of offering you any piece of relief that I can.

You are facing inner beliefs that are manifesting in the opposite ways of your truest desires. There is something that feels foundational to you that is holding you back from your dreams. Based on the energy of the cards, it seems as if some of you have unintentionally or unknowingly attracted an energy around you that doesn’t actually align with your core values or beliefs. You are a being that holds great reverence for the mystical and magical aspects to life. And no matter how popular New Age practices become, there are still people in the World that hold reverence for other things and other types of spiritual practices.

This has been weighing heavily on your mind, to the point that some of you may be dealing with difficulties sleeping or getting a hold of your nighttime routine. Your Spirit Guides want you to know that you are protected. Everyone is not meant to agree with you, think like you or make the same life choices as you do. This is what makes us all unique and makes each of our lives a valid experience of life itself. But this doesn’t automatically mean that you must tolerate misunderstanding, mistreatment or deception.

Because you are so deeply connected to the Divine you have a certain intelligence about you. You learn from experiences once, which sometimes makes it nearly impossible for you to let the past go. Through this journey of reawakening I can see you becoming more excited about the possibilities of the future rather than weary of the past repeating itself. And this will be accompanied by a much needed reality check of what energy you are surrounding yourself with and also the energy that you are attracting based on what you are speaking over your life.

You know that words are spells and the things that you repeat to yourself daily are chants, whether it happens out loud or not. The Universe hears every word uttered and registers the energy emanating off of our thoughts. What do you believe is possible for yourself Pile 3? Do you feel it with your entire body? Does your heart feel open to it? Or do you still feel as if to dream means to open yourself up to a type of vulnerability that you cannot control nor predict the outcome of?

Your Spirit Guides urge you to question your thinking and to analyze what comes up. This is a time to look deeply within self and reevaluate what your boundaries are made of. Are they compacted with fear and grief? This composition of emotions can add a layer of difficulty in regards to allowing our dreams to reach us. It is time to let your inner creative come out. You have been hiding them away from the public for fear of being denied or not accepted. This mindset and way of being will never manifest the desires you say that you truly want.

Take that next step towards your dream. Be fully present in this interaction and know that the Universe is not rushing you towards anything. Ground yourself in the faith of your abilities and create magic. Look at the things you try to hide within your creative expression and ask yourself “does this omission of creativity benefit me or restrict me and in what ways?”

Pile 4

Your Spirit Guides would like for you to take a good look at yourself in the mirror Pile 4. And before we get any further into your reading I want to offer a disclaimer. If body image or conversations around body image are triggering for you at the moment, I would encourage you to read this message whenever you feel emotionally and spiritually ready to receive it.

Continuing on, there is the energy of forgiveness surrounding you at this time. Your heart may be battling with the realization that you (and your uniqueness) are not meant for everyone to understand or experience. You are the type of person to stand out in a crowd. Whether that is because of your demeanor or approach to life you sometimes struggle with wanting to, but not feeling accepted. You may come off as a very intense or provocative person to the more conservative eye but this is just who you are.

I see that in this time of difficulty you are learning a lot about yourself. You are learning at which level your sense of self-value and worth exist. There is something here, that feels like the reason you don’t open up as much, that is needing to be forgiven. And this message is a reminder to you that forgiveness being offered is beneficial for every person involved, not just for the person enacting wrong-doings.

The hesitation around this energy of forgiveness may be because you are weary of disrupting what currently exists in your life. And most likely it could be a relationship that you are trying to prevent this transformation from happening within.  But your Spirit Guides want you to know that you aren’t in this process by yourself. They are by your side, eager to assist you in this releasing cycle. But transformation is going to happen regardless Pile 4. And your fear of it may make the process more difficult or drawn out than it needs to be.

I don’t think that you are unaware of what I am saying though Pile 4. I can see you want to let the past be the past and you are excited to see what the future holds for you. But one thing can’t come before the other. You are still holding onto what was said or done and it can be detrimental to self if you are holding on too tightly. With this release I can see you moving into more cheerful times. I can see your mood being lifted through your choice to surrender.

Remind yourself that you are worthy of all the good things that you dream about. There is no need to hide away from the more intimate parts of yourself and shame should be sacrificed. You deserve to be able to obtain new dynamics in relationship with yourself and others. Open up to the possibility that there is more to life than what you have already experienced and there is more life available for you to live. Share the beauty of your existence with those who know what authentic beauty looks like.

Pile 5

I can see that your environment is affecting your body, mind and spirit right now. It is sometimes of benefit to have the World work on us in similar manners but sometimes this interference can also cause a certain dissonance between us and our surroundings. Making it seem as if our efforts are not enough because the World is steadily changing regardless of our wants or needs. But I see good fortune entering your life during what seems like a difficult time for you.

There may be something that is beginning or drastically changing in your life right now and it seems as if you feel like you are captured in a whirlwind. This occurrence is not without it’s purpose. This time in your life is teaching you about your courageousness, confidence and power. Which makes it feel like a task that isn’t the easiest to carry.

Your Spirit Guides would like for you to know that no matter how ridiculous it seems, “life is at your service”. The capitalist systems created within our society don’t want you to know that your needs deserve to be heard and met. And yet, they still do. Because we have been conditioned to not question the state of the world or our place in it you may have struggled with becoming complacent with what is viewed as “the norm”. But I can see you looking deeply into why and how this has manifested in your life. And in this moment I can see you becoming something like a historian, unearthing the past in order to grow healthier roots for the future.

Your Spiritual team is coming to you with the message of rest my dear Pile 5. And while I see expansion and the promise of good fortune in your future that doesn’t mean there is always something needed to be acted upon. Your ancestral right is to rest. Your body, mind and spirit is craving nourishment and tenderness. You may have even recently learned some new techniques in order to calm the mind down but there is still work to be done within the application of these techniques.

Although it may be strange or make you fearful, allow life to surprise you. Allow those blessings to reach you and know that there doesn’t have to be a reason or hard labor attached to it. I can see with this guidance that you will be interested in creating new rituals for yourself. Rituals are long term commitments and may not be executed to perfection within the first few months, let alone years. Grace yourself with patience and compassion as you are working towards building a new future for yourself. This is only the beginning.


Pick A Crystal: A Message for Creatives


Message for Natal Moon in Virgo, North Node in Gemini, Moon in Gemini, Capricorn Rising (Ascendant)