Pick A Card: A Message To Remind You of Who You Are

Hello everyone and welcome to another Pick A Card reading with Monty’s Tarot Child. I hope that you enjoy this intuitive reading channeled just for you. I hope that it reminds you of who you are.

This reading was written for the purpose of spiritual enlightenment.

If you have any medical or financial concerns or concerns around your safety, please consult a professional advisor directly.

Pile 1

♌︎ ♏︎ ♍︎ ♈︎ ♒︎

You are The Ruler Pile One. When your energy is balanced, people look to you for precision and guidance. You emanate an energy that others respect and your intuitive instincts are admirable. Typically, you are not one to misuse the trust that others have placed in your hands and that is why they will always continue to seek your input.

You are now at a phase in life where you are meant to look proudly over the things that you have been able to accomplish thus far. This time is meant to encourage you to witness your performance in some manner. You are a bold person and nothing that you have accomplished would have transpired without your courageous spirit. The world needs more of this.

Through your cards I can see a profound idea striking like lightning for you. I can see your mind lighting up with wonder and curiosity. This will come to you through your other senses first, rather than simply a thought. You will feel this new idea through your whole being before it is fully formed.

Your Spirit Guides are bringing this to you because it is meant for you to take action upon it. You may be torn right now on if you’re the right person to bring this idea into reality— you are. You have this ability of being able to see the beginning and the finale of any project or creation that comes to you. You are brilliant! Do you know how many people get stumped by a new beginning on the daily? You are already leaps and bounds ahead just with the visionary abilities that you possess.

This is a message meant to remind you of who you are and to entice you into action! The world is your oyster at this very moment. You have the opportunity to take action on something but don’t ponder over it too much longer. While you have this beautiful ability to perceive, overthinking your actions can be the usual trap that you find yourself in once again.

Your Spirit Guides want to remind you of how intuitive you are. It has led you through so many circumstances! There is no reason to start doubting it now. If further assessment is necessary, take those actions before you leap. But if you find your mind on a loop, circling the same thoughts, free yourself! With Pluto governing over your reading, something is dissolving in order for it to be reformed. It could be old judgements or thoughts that make you feel insecure as a leader. Trust yourself and let these things fall away.

You were meant for this. You were meant to carry this idea through to completion, whatever that may look like. Your Guides are with you every step of the way, wanting you to remember that you are more than capable enough. You are, in fact, the Ruler of your own destiny.

Pile 2

♌︎ ♐︎ ♊︎ ♑︎

You are the Challenger Pile Two. You have this beautiful and yet erratic ability of being able to see a challenge as an opportunity for growth. Sometimes, when a challenge really gets to you, your mental state can take a beating. I can see that in the past you have dealt with a lot of overthinking, indecision and overstimulation mentally. And while these energies may still come up for you from time to time, it feels as if you now have a grasp over your mind that you haven’t always felt before.

The relationship with your mind and mental state has been a journey for you. And with a difficult cycle ending, I can see you finding gratitude once again for the power of your mind. It has taken you a lot to get to this point. There have been many things that you have had to disengage from and maybe even connections that you have had to cut out of your life. Mostly I can see a lot of habits being witnessed and you drawing a line at self-demise.

I see you claiming or reclaiming a state of mind that feels the healthiest for you. I say reclaiming because based on the cards it doesn’t feel like this way of thinking is completely foreign to you. In the past you may have questioned the opportunities that manifested for you and your ability to step confidently into new territories. You know that you have great ideas and a strong work ethic but yet wonder if these things are enough for you to be placed in the position of The Challenger; someone who is here to challenge the status quo.

But in this new realization of self and talents, you are proving yourself (to yourself) through action. There is this energy in your cards of you moving towards something that is bigger than anything you have said yes to in the past. At some point in your life you having too many options or opportunities was very overwhelming. Now you are able to witness yourself through the process of creation or learning and you are recognizing the vast amount of growth that you have the ability to experience.

You are a very reliable person Pile 2. You have accepted Divine Guidance by your Spiritual Team and this is leading you towards liberation. This is not just a self-centered claim to freedom. You are helping liberate others by being. You are allowing people to witness the good, bad and ugly parts of your personal recovery and reminding them that we are all human. You are bringing in an element of humanness to healing.

With the energy of Jupiter governing over your reading, don’t be surprised to find yourself in all kinds of new experiences. Spirit is placing you in the right rooms, chats and podcasts to share your Spiritual message. Believe in yourself. Know that you are worthy of speaking on what you have overcome. And know that someone can always benefit from witnessing you share the most vulnerable parts of your journey.

Pile 3

♐︎ ♏︎ ♋︎ ♉︎

You are The Sage Pile 3. Whenever you have gone through an experience you take  moments to analyze how those experiences have impacted you. This has been very beneficial for you gaining new wisdom in unexpected ways. You have come to find that taking moments to pause has taught you a lot more about yourself than simply jumping into your next adventure.

You are a very determined individual. When you have reached a resolve it is very difficult to persuade you in a different direction. In many ways, this could be your attempt to remove other people’s doubts or opinions about your way of doing things. I can see that you are in a state where you are tired of others questioning your own authority over your life.

Through the cards I can tell that you are tired of having to defend yourself or the things that you want to experience in this lifetime. You have such strong and passionate desires within you that feel somewhat repressed. The Emperor reversed signifies that this makes you feel less powerful. But your Spirit Guides are here to reassure you that your power still exists within you, waiting to be tapped into once again.

You have a desire to be set free and that is exactly what you are being called to do for yourself at this time. How? By affirming your right to be free. Your Spirit Guides would like for you to implement these affirming statements in your day-to-day conversations with self and others: “I will…”, “I am…”, and “I can…”. Speak the truth that you want to exist in your life over yourself.

Reciting affirmations is not an act of delusion but one of faith. Once you have decided that restructuring your self-talk changes your life, you will begin to see changes. Once you start moving in accordance with the belief that “I deserve to have my desires manifested”, your desires will come.

But this is no easy matter. With Saturn governing over your reading, this tells me that this type of readjustment will take dedication, persistence and sometimes even a great amount of structure. Sentence structure to be exact. Don’t set yourself up for destruction by starting a conversation about what you haven’t been doing. Any opportunity that you find to put yourself down, try to be disciplined in actually speaking positivity into yourself.

These actions and reminders take work. But Pile 3, you’re worth the effort. Move with compassion and encourage yourself and watch how you break free from all that you thought would weigh you down eternally. I believe in you. You got this.

Pile 4

♊︎ ♉︎ ♐︎ ♏︎ ♈︎

You are The Gambler Pile 4. And please don’t take that in a literal sense of the traditional meaning. You are someone who was sent to experience this lifetime with certain elements of risk represented through your journey. For example, you are someone who has committed in one way or another to a path that is less traveled than most. You are the adventurer who traverses through unfamiliar territory, gaining knowledge through experience.

You may also be someone who consults the manual after you’ve already begun the process. And while this may have ushered good luck in some way, your Spirit Guides are here to broaden your perspective on new undertakings. Your Spirit Guides know that you have the power of precision. They also know that you choose when you want to utilize this gift vs. not.

At this time you are being called to rediscover this part of yourself in order to start heading in a desirable direction on your path. The biggest thing that I can see through your cards is the need to silence all distractions in any way possible. I can see that it is difficult for you to hone in on a trajectory that satisfies you when your environments are so loud. This could be in a literal sense or metaphorically.

Your Spirit Guides are guiding you towards more moments of stillness. This is needed for you right now. Especially because you’ve been on go so much, trying everything that has interested you. You could be exhausted right now, wondering what’s next. Rest is essential to building your endurance back up.

Intuitively, I can see, you know that this course of action cannot continue in this manner. I can see that you are trying to not fight the inevitable ending of something but it’s difficult for you. You may be struggling with feeling as if you’ve already given up on so much just to see if the next thing will work out. Release any shame that you hold around needing to start over again.

While I see a lot of fast paced energy represented through your cards I do believe you also know of the importance of taking your time. Your Spirit Guides are here reminding you to not rush for that will only delay things further for you. They want you to sit with the realization of something a little more so that a natural ending can occur.

I see this as a reset phase for you. You are right at the precipice of a huge ending in your life and the intentionality that you wield in this new beginning outlines the rest of your next path. This is a crucial moment for you. And while you could act on impulse and hope for the best (as you normally might) you have the opportunity to make these next decisions from a healthier state than you ever have before.

Your Spirit Guides want to remind you of one thing. Think of your future self. In the future, do you see peace, transformation, patience and happiness for yourself? What would it take for you to be able to access these things and not to simply fantasize about them? It may look like you stepping outside of your comfort zone from time to time to do things as you imagine that future version of self would. Because this is who you already are.

With Mars governing over your reading today, be aware of every action that you are taking at this time. Mars acts without a second thought. Mars is an impulse and impulses can lead to impulsive results. Think. Think before you move. Think about the future. Think about what you’ll need in the future. Think about the price of your actions and if they’ll still be worth it in the future. What do you need right now and how can you move slowly and steadily towards your nourishment?


Pick A Card: A Message to Sustain You


Pick A Crystal: A Message for Creatives